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University Medicine Zurich (UMZH)

Office of the VP Medicine Zurich

The Office of the VP Medicine Zurich, headed by Prof. Beatrice Beck Schimmer, is responsible for coordinating the tripartite nature of research, teaching and care at the Zurich site. As a member of the Executive Board of the University, the Director bears central responsibility for the positioning and further development of the UMZH. The basis for this is provided by the Ordinance on Research and Teaching in the Health Sector at the University and the University Regulations.

The Office supports Prof. Beatrice Beck Schimmer in her strategic and operational tasks and is committed to the rapid and competent handling of questions and concerns in the area of University Medicine Zurich. In particular, it is responsible for innovation and the further development of Zurich as a medical centre.

The Office also acts as a think tank for the strategic development of the UMZH Network and the Faculty of Medicine and prepares relevant business. 

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Excecutive Board of the University

The Executive Board of the University is the executive and policy-making body at UZH. The Executive Board oversees all areas of the University and is responsible for all matters which are not assigned to other bodies. (University Act)